Fredericktown Real Estate Information

Fredericktown is a relatively small community situated in the southeastern portion of the Show-Me State, Missouri. Fredericktown has a population of approximately four thousand residents, although it is entirely possible that the figure has changed since the last comprehensive census statistics were released in the year two thousand. Fredericktown serves as the county seat of Madison County, and is also the most populous, albeit still quite small, community within those boundaries. Fredericktown is considered a part of the Lead Belt, a portion of Missouri which is known by that term due to the heavy influence meted out by lead mining in the region throughout the history of the region. Fredericktown covers a total area of slightly less than four and a half square miles, including only about one tenth of a square mile of standing surface water.

Fredericktown is essentially a peninsula of semi-developed land that is met by the Mark Twain National Forest on the southern, western, and eastern sides. Fredericktown is found in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains, a remarkably scenic portion of the Show-Me State and other southern states. The original inhabitants of the area which is now considered Fredericktown were of course Native Americans, who explored and settled the region literally thousands of years before any European or American influence was felt. The first settlement amidst modern-day Fredericktown real estate was Mine La Motte, about six miles north of the current downtown area. Following the Louisiana Purchase, American settlers began to flow into the region, although the region never developed into a large metropolitan or urban area.

Fredericktown properties offer their residents access to hundreds upon hundreds of acres of open space, parks, and other recreational facilities across Madison County. Some of these regions include the Turkey Creek Picnic Area, Millstream Garden Conservation Area, Silver Mines Recreation Area, the Mark Twain National Forest, the Castor River, and the Trackler and Glade Dotted Black Mountains. The educational needs of Fredericktown are met primarily by a total of four public schools, Fredericktown Elementary School, Fredericktown Intermediate School, Fredericktown Middle School, and Fredericktown High School.